The New Look!

We are celebrating the "new look"of the gym. Be there on Friday 11th May at 18:00. At the same time we will also celebrate the gym's birthday. We are now 8 years old and still going strong. The "new look"celebration will be in the form of a cheese and wine (or beer, if you don't drink wine) and a plate of eats, or biscuits or cheese or surprise us. Old clients, bring your stories of when you started here, what was it like, who used to be your instructors. Would be quite interesting to listen to your views and memories of the old gym.
Breakfast ride from Kitty Hawk
The yearly breakfast ride is taking place on Sunday 20 May at 8:00. Why always a Sunday? Simple reason, the roads are quieter and therefore safer for wobbly legs and bicycles. This is not a race but a gentle, social ride, for all those that haven't been on a bicycle since the age of 3 and would like to try it again. So this is your chance to see if spinning is indeed helping you to stay fit or not. Dust off your bike, oil the chain, bum in saddle and join us!
We will be leaving from the Kitty Hawk flying club, which is on the Boschkop road, at 8am. We will do a 10km out ride, turn around and all the way back again, 20km in all. Not a marathon at all!
Once safely back, we will enjoy a scrumptious breakfast, which will include: Juice, scrambled eggs, bacon, tomato, mushrooms, fried onions, toast! All for just R35p/p.
RSVP: Thursday 17May-12:00
Bela Bela
The Bela Bela race is taking place on Saturday 26 May. Enter now online at We will all meet afterwards at the lovely O'Hagans to celebrate the ride, have a couple of beers; chat and just sommer have fun.'
For the more serious Mountain Biker!
On Sunday 3 June at 8am we will do a 100km mountain bike ride. Anyone thinking they are fit enough, please join us on the ride. We had a lovely ride last year with about 10 riders completing the route. We are in training for the Baviaans Marathon and do need company on the road. If you don't want to do the whole route, but would like to ride only part of the route, please arrange your own support vehicle-that is if you would need one. Also have enough food and drink with you.
Be part of our special days!
The new doors look great! I think you have done good. It has changed the whole image and looks very professional now. It will also enable you to keep the doors shut in bad weather but still be able to see outside. Good job!
Yeah! big decision, but bigger result! I'm thrilled
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