.....2...1.......And here we are in Cape Town!
After a couple of queues and a few hickups at the airports, we all arrived and started to take huge chunks of fresh air with chilled glasses of white wine. A fantastic combination for a good ride. Add to that good weather, and you would find us all wondering what on earth we are doing up in Gauteng!
First things first. I went to the Expo to collect race numbers and to drool over bikes and accessories. They had them all, from Cervelo to the latest in the GT camp. Sunglasses and clothing and the latest bandanna that keeps the sweat off the brow, according to the chef. He tried it, and it works. For all who didn't go to the Expo, here is what it looks like! 35000 cyclists and their families.
The next day I was commandeered off to collect family and friends from the airport with baggage and bikes. Now of course what they didn't realise was that I hired a VW Chico, a white one, the size of a bar fridge. So how on earth they thought they would all fit in, is a wonder to me. We tried and squeezed and pushed and took things off, but eventually we all fitted in baggage, bike and all. I was glad I was the driver because my lungs didn't get pierced by a pedal, nor a spoke! By the way I didn't mind driving out to the airport, because in the meantime my companions reserved a table for us all. That was now from lunch to dinner. One of my companions got a bit sun burnt and I know nobody will believe him, if he had to tell them he got sun burnt while sitting at the restaurant.
Saturday dawned with a beautiful fresh smell from the sea. Going out to Camps Bay for breakfast was the best thing to do, with hundreds of cyclists turning pedals to get to their breakfast rendezvous. Misty on the beach with just a hint of a drizzle. The day later cleared with the sun just right with just a slight breeze and at dinner at Quay 4 we were all keeping our fingers crossed that the weather will keep it's mood and not turn into a howler.
We went our separate ways with promises of meeting at the beer tent after the race. Our mouths were talking but our minds were ticking off our check lists ....... shoes, timing chip, start card, bananas ............... oh and the new bandanna!
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